C4L Academy Academic Integrity Policy
C4L Academy has the responsibility to ensure that grades assigned are indicative of the knowledge and skill level of each student. Acts of academic dishonesty make it impossible to fulfill this responsibility. Course instructors, students, site facilitators, and C4L Academy administrators share responsibility for ensuring academic honesty in our community and will make a concerted effort to fulfill the following responsibilities.
Course Instructors Responsibilities
Course instructors have a responsibility to ensure that academic honesty is maintained in their classroom and online community. In the absence of academic honesty it is impossible to assign accurate grades and to ensure that honest students are not at a competitive disadvantage. Course instructors are expected to:
- Explain the meaning of academic honesty to their students.
- Conduct their classes in a way that makes cheating, plagiarism and other dishonest conduct nearly impossible.
- Confront students suspected of academic dishonesty and take appropriate disciplinary action in a timely manner (see “Procedures for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty” which follow).
Students share the responsibility for maintaining academic honesty. Students are expected to:
- Refrain from acts of academic dishonesty.
- Refuse to aid or abet any form of academic dishonesty.
- Notify instructors and/or appropriate C4L Academy administrators about observed incidents of academic dishonesty.
Administration Responsibilities
- Disseminate the academic honesty policy and the philosophical principles upon which it is based to course instructors, students, and staff.
- Provide facilities, class enrollments, and/or support personnel which make it practical for course instructors and students to make cheating, plagiarism and other dishonest conduct nearly impossible.
- Support course instructors and students in their efforts to maintain academic honesty.
- Regularly review data provided by online program algorithms that identify patterns indicative of academic dishonesty.
Site Facilitator Responsibilities
- Support course instructors, students, and administration in their efforts to make cheating, plagiarism and other dishonest conduct nearly impossible.
- Be present, physically and mentally, as students are taking exams to discourage the temptation to cheat and diminish the opportunities for dishonesty.
- Notify instructors and/or appropriate C4L Academy administrators about observed incidents of academic dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Obtaining information from another student during an examination, quiz, or other assignment.
- Communicating information to another student during an examination, quiz, or other assignment.
- Knowingly allowing another student to copy one’s work.
- Offering another person’s work as one’s own.
- Taking an examination, quiz, or other assignment for another student or having someone take an examination, quiz, or other assignment for oneself.
- Using unauthorized material or electronic devices during an examination, quiz, or other assignment.
- Having another person or a company do the research and/or writing of an assigned paper or report.
Plagiarism is to present as one’s own the ideas, words, or creative product of another. Credit must be given to the source for direct quotations, paraphrases, ideas, and facts which are not common knowledge.
- Turning in someone else’s work as your own
- Copying a phrase, sentence, or passage from someone else or another source (Internet, print media, etc.) without proper citation
- Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
- Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
- Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not
- Downloading or buying a term paper from the Internet and submitting it as your own work
*Please note that the list of examples above is not exhaustive. There may be other instances of cheating and/or plagiarism that would violate this policy.
- Stealing or attempting to steal an examination, quiz, or other assignment or answer key.
- Stealing or attempting to change official academic records.
- Forging or altering grade change cards.
- Forging or altering attendance records.
Collusion occurs when any student knowingly or intentionally helps another student perform an act of academic dishonesty. Collusion in an act of academic dishonesty will be disciplined in the same manner as the act itself.
Action by the Course Instructor
- 1. An instructor who has evidence that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred shall, after speaking with the student, take one or more of the following disciplinary actions:
- Issue an oral reprimand (for example, in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the standards of academic honesty).
- Delete current progress and require the student to restart course from the beginning.
- Assign an “F” for the course (for example, in cases where the dishonesty is more serious, premeditated, or a repeat offense).
- For any incident of academic dishonesty which is sufficiently serious for the instructor to take disciplinary action which can lower the student’s grade (for example, an “F” given for all or part of an assignment), the instructor shall report the incident to the C4L Academy Administration on an “Academic Dishonesty Report” form.
NOTE:A grade of “F” assigned to a student for academic dishonesty is final and shall be placed on the transcript. If the student withdraws from the course, a “W” will not replace an “F” assigned for academic dishonesty.
Action by the Administration
Upon receipt of the first “Academic Dishonesty Report” form concerning a student, The C4L Administrator shall send a letter of reprimand to the student which will inform the student that:
- He/she will be on academic disciplinary probation for the remainder of his/her career at C4L Academy.
- Another incident of academic dishonesty reported by any instructor shall result in expulsion.
For more serious incidents of academic dishonesty the student shall be expelled from C4L Academy on the first offense. Offenses warranting expulsion on the first offense include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Taking an examination, quiz, or other assignment for another student or having someone take an examination, quiz, or other assignment for oneself.
- Having another person or a company do the research and/or writing of an assigned paper or report.
- Stealing or attempting to steal an examination, quiz, or other assignment or answer key.
- Stealing or attempting to change official academic records.
- Forging or altering grades.
Portions adapted from the academic honesty policies of University of California Irvine, Orange Coast College, Cypress College, and California State University Long Beach as published in their catalogs.
C4L Academy Student Code of Conduct
C4L Academy has adopted a Student Code of Conduct to protect the rights of students, course instructors, staff, and C4L Academy itself. This code ensures that student and course instructors/staff interactions are characterized by mutual respect and civility.
All C4L Academy students are required to abide by all standards and policies established by the school in their academic work and their personal conduct.
By marking the box next to each item that follows, students acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
- Treat fellow students, course instructors, and staff with courtesy, respect, and dignity and behave in a manner that reflects the integrity of the school.
- Comply with directions of C4L Academy officials acting in the performance of their duties.
- Accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
- Abide by all published policies including, but not limited to, those that appear in the C4L Academy Academic Integrity Policy.
- Never misrepresent the school or its staff in any online social communities.
- Observe all rules on submitting work and taking examinations and will never turn in work that is not their own, or present another person’s ideas as their own.
- Never ask for, receive, or give unauthorized help on graded assignments, quizzes, or examinations.
The C4L Academy Student Code of Conduct, as well as the preceding guidelines, applies to all C4L Academy students. An official of C4L Academy may, at his/her discretion, take disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the school for failure to comply with any aspect of the Student Code of Conduct.